

Give me liberty or Give me death....

We all want freedom...well because we want to be free. But freedom can be overwhelming and it can be confusing. There is so much open to us in this world, you can be anyone you want, you can do anything you want, you can pray to whomever you want...The question we rarely pose is "what do I want?"

For the majority of my life I didn't do what I wanted, but what others convinced me was "fun." I was drawn into the illusion of freedom being the key to happiness. Freedom was poisoning. The more I had the closer my soul came to death.

It took a few years for me to understand that the freedom I craved was created by an addiction I had to being selfish. Liberty didn't free me, it confined me. Liberty caused my death. But it is when I died that I really learned what was worth living for.

I'm an indebted servant these days. The connotations of the phrase don't allow many to see the true beauty in the words. When I lived for myself, I got myself in more trouble and life didn't seem to be worth living on most days. Before I really knew Christ, my liberty was causing my death. When I used the freedom of my choice to give up my life to myself and give it to Christ- that's when I felt truly free.

Dying to yourself isn't a one-time process. At every fork in the road I have to choose the path for Christ, and though some decisions are harder than others, and though I've chosen the wrong one many times, I won't let that stop me at the next fork. I won't allow myself to stray so far from the path of Christ anymore. That's what I do with my freedom now. I've given it to Christ.

Liberty- noun: freedom from external control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering, conditions.

Every fork in the road is an opportunity to quit listening to those external forces that try to control you. Follow instead the path of God. I wasn't made for this world, my heart longs for something more, it seeks something more. So that makes everything here foreign to me and I refuse to follow foreign rule over my soul. I'll instead follow Christ, because he bought me with His blood. 

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